Dell hero image of cloud statistics

Dell Interactive App

An iOS Cloud Sales Engagement App designed to replace boring, clunky PowerPoints with an animated, visually stunning, and interactive experience.

Dell cloud interactive app lightbox video
See the final prototype

Target and Challenge

Create a 5-minute interactive elevator pitch to improve client engagement and help the Cloud Sales + Marketing team establish Dell Technologies as the premiere source for information technology.

Wireframes showing screen layouts and chartsWireframes showing screen layouts showing cloud servicesUser flows showing interaction exploration

Wireframes and user flows, help inform animations, transitions and morphs.

Problems Solved

Distill a 100+ page deck into an interactive five minute elevator pitch, while guiding engineers and sales managers on what was essential to cut, and how we might be able to condense essential information into one screen, all while seeing the project through continual ambiguous changes.

Cloud management screen mockupHybrid cloud screen with digital tools on the bottom
Mood board Super Mario Brothers inspirationMood board Zelda Breath of the Wild inspiration

Gamification and interactivity were themes for this Cloud app. I pulled inspiration and mood boards from games to help direct designers' explorations. Having a background and interest in game design pays off!

Outcomes and Achievements

The new Cloud Interactive App resulted in sales representative adoption rate of nearly 90%, and grew Cloud SaaS sales by almost 12%.

DELL Excellence Award — Design Leadership
DELL Excellence Award — Animation + Creative Team Support
Role: experience design, animation, concept design, creative direction

A surrealistic design is the perfect blend of visuals. All-vector designs were just too sterile, and an all photorealistic style was just mimicking a PowerPoint.


I worked as Product Designer and Lead Motion / Lead Visual Designer

Management (stakeholder daily reviews)
UX (sketches, wireframes, flows)
Design (visual, motion, branding, videos, concept design)
Development (iOS, testing and publishing)
Prototyping (lo-fi / hi-fi, basic flows and interactions)

Next Project

Intuit Motion Design